Petition Posted
Our very own editor Kim Archer launched a petition on Sunday. It went “live” on Monday with 100 signatures. Today we’re at 253 signatures and growing.
If you haven’t already done so, please take a moment to sign out petition and to share with as many people as you’re able.
Because the court may declare that Cindy is NOT the mother of her children based solely on the fact that she used donor eggs, even though she carried them and gave birth to them.
Moreover, a ruling against Cindy would set a precedent that would add another limitation on womens reproductive rights by making it unclear as to who is the actual mother. This would have the effect of making infertile women reluctant to use what is, for many, the last good chance they have of finally becoming a mother. It would also have the effect of making prospective egg donors reluctant to donate, whether for the chance of possibly being declared the legal mother or for having the children conceived from their eggs ending up without a mother.